
I apologize for the total lameness of this site. I've been working on
rnm itself and another project instead of doing anything remotely
resembling decent html and stuff here. Yeah.

That being said, if you want to fix the website, by all means, go ahead.
Just e-mail me at with the new,
cool site. Or intro page. Or something ;-)


Yeah, I suck at documentation, but I'm getting better. Here's some intro stuff

NB: These manuals are under major construction, and have gramatical errors
As soon as I can pay my Q/A person, I'll get them fixed, but until then
I am fully aware that I would have failed 3rd grade english. That's why
I'm in college.


Yes, this actually is some cool stuff. Because rnm is currently (not for
long, ideally) difficult to install, here is an example of what it currently
looks like. Granted, it's a static example, and there is no real user information,
but I did pull it off of a real working rnm site. [I run it, of course it's

Mailing List

Yes, rnm does have a mailing list! Join it! [].

To Do:

Yes, there really is a lot to do. Join in and help us out!

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